The Cibola National Wildlife Refuge is the most important waterfowl area on the Lower Colorado River. It also has it's share of habitat problems. Invasive species, particularly salt cedar, have taken over much of the refuge. Much of the refuge's water management infrastructure is aging and/or inadequate for managing wetlands. These two issues create tremendous difficulties in providing high-quality wintering habitat for waterfowl and other migratory birds.

Ducks Unlimited is partnering with the Cibola NWR to improve the present situation and make the area the premier waterfowl refuge in the southwest. There are many hurdles to overcome, difficult issues to address, and problems to be solved. However, progress is already being made. The refuge is committed to an expansive vision of high-quality, productive wetlands for waterfowl. Ducks Unlimited is helping turn this vision into reality.

Below is an aerial image with the refuge boundaries and shows the locations of each of the current and past DU projects in their respective units. This map will be updated as projects are completed and come into development.