By becoming a Major Sponsor, you're leading the charge to secure our continent's wetland and waterfowl habitat for future generations. Ducks Unlimited's vision is a world of wetlands sufficient to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow, and forever. That's what DU's founders envisioned in 1937, and it's still our mission today.
You can join the ranks of DU's Major Sponsors by making a gift or pledge of at least $10,000. Your lifetime membership contributions may be counted when you make a new Major Sponsor commitment or upgrade to the next level. In general, pledges are paid within a five-year window. At higher pledge levels, payment schedules may be tailored to best fit your personal situation.
A Major Sponsor pledge may be designated to support DU's priorities and conservation initiatives. As a Major Sponsor you have the opportunity to designate your gifts to any of our priority areas - from the wooded wetlands of the Boreal Forest to the breeding grounds of the prairies, to the wintering habitat of the Gulf Coast.
When you become a Major Sponsor you will:
A conservation reserve allocation of up to twenty percent is applied to all Major Sponsor gift commitments to enable Ducks Unlimited to take advantage of unanticipated conservation opportunities and support general operations.
For more information, download our Major Sponsor brochure.
Grand Slam Major Sponsors are recognized as Major Sponsors at Ducks Unlimited Inc., Ducks Unlimited Canada and Ducks Unlimited de México for their passionate generosity for conservation across the entire continent.
As a Grand Slam Major Sponsor, you will make the greatest positive impact on North America’s waterfowl and connect people across an entire continent who benefit from the many important advantages of healthy, abundant wetlands.
For more information, download our Grand Slam Major Sponsor brochure.
DU National Development Committee
The Ducks Unlimited National Development Committee advises DU's president in matters pertaining to major gift fundraising and gift planning.
Visit PageDonor Intent Policy
Ducks Unlimited will fulfill specified gift intent to the extent it is legal, consistent with the organization's tax exempt purposes, and capable of being performed.
Visit PageGift & Estate Planning
Ducks Unlimited is committed to assisting you in your gift and estate planning needs.
Visit PageFeather Society and Planned Giving
Members of the Feather Society, a prestigious group of DU supporters, choose to include Ducks Unlimited in their estate plans.
Visit PagePlanning Your Conservation Legacy
The truth is every single one of us has a legacy. Ducks Unlimited is committed to assisting you in your gift and estate planning needs.
Visit PageIRA Funded Charitable Gift Annuity
Turn your retirement savings into lifetime income & conserve wetlands with a IRA Funded Charitable Gift Annuity through Ducks Unlimited. Join DU's Feather Society today!
Visit PageMajor Sponsors Resources
Resources for those wishing to learn more about philanthropy at Ducks Unlimited
Visit PageWays to Make a Leadership Gift
There are many ways to support Ducks Unlimited, each expressive of the donor's particular interests and each with distinct tax advantages.
Visit PagePresident's Council
Become a part of DU President's Council and support conservation efforts while enjoying exclusive hunting privileges and benefits.
Visit PageDucks Unlimited Major Sponsors Giving Levels & Benefits
Learn about the different giving levels and exclusive benefits offered to Ducks Unlimited major sponsors, and make a significant impact on waterfowl conservation efforts.
Visit PageNational Development Committee
The mission of the DU National Development Committee is to advise Ducks Unlimited's president in matters pertaining to major gift fundraising and gift planning.
Visit PageLeaders in Giving Gift Match Challenge
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