The Prairie Pothole Region in eastern South Dakota is in one of Ducks Unlimiteds highest priority landscapes. DU works with farmers, ranchers and other partners in this region to provide a variety of working-land conservation options that meet landowner objectives and support wildlife habitat conservation. Conservation staff can provide financial and technical assistance to help landowners develop grazing systems, improve soil health, restore habitats and navigate the suite of programs available through federal, state and non-government organization conservation partners.

DU can provide technical and financial assistance for:

  • Grassland and wetland restorations
  • Grazing systems on grasslands and cropland
  • Soil health and regenerative agriculture practices
  • Soil health analysis
  • Conservation easements

Bruce Toay Bruce Toay is the Manager of Conservation Programs for Ducks Unlimited in South Dakota. Bruce works with agency, corporate, and non-profit partners along with agricultural producers to promote working-lands conservation on private lands and enhance public lands. Bruce coordinates multiple grants, partnerships, and funding sources to advance DUs conservation work in South Dakota.
Contact Bruce;


Randy Meidinger_crop Randy Meidinger is a regional biologist for Ducks Unlimited and has spent most of his life on the prairies of North and South Dakota enjoying the outdoor diversity of the region. Randy works with farmers and ranchers on native grassland renovations, planning grazing systems, and conducting wetland survey and restoration work. He has many years of experience managing Ducks Unlimited farmland and rangeland, including a working 10,000-acre ranch.
Contact Randy


Brian Chatham_crop Brian Chatham is an agronomist for DU in South Dakota. He works with landowners to improve their cropping practices, implement soil health principles and provides education about regenerative agriculture. Brian can help producers improve their operations while implementing sustainable planting practices and supporting conservation.
Contact Brian



CassieAuxt_cropCassie Auxt is a biologist for DU in South Dakota. She specializes in native grassland restoration and grazing infrastructure in cropland and grassland systems. Cassie understands the importance and value of keeping farming and ranching operations viable while harmonizing with natural resources. She works to help producers implement conservation practices that fit their operation logistically and financially.
Contact Cassie


Matt Hubers2.jpgMatt Hubers is an agronomist for Ducks Unlimited with a B.S. degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology from ISU and a M.S. degree in Range Management from SDSU. Prior to working for DU, Matt worked for the NRCS as a range management specialist in Brown County and as a district conservationist in Grant and Day Counties for the past 15 years. Matt enjoys working with farmers and ranchers who wish to optimize their agronomic returns while improving their soil health and sustainability. Matt has worked extensively developing conservation plans for area producers that include grazing, crop rotations, reduced or no-till, nutrient management, cover crops, pest management as well as range and pasture plantings. In his spare time Matt enjoys raising Highland and Highland cross cattle.
Contact Matt


Kenna Hammons2.jpgKenna Hammons grew up in Wisconsin and graduated from UW-Stevens Point with a degree in wildlife ecology and management. Kenna has always loved grasslands, which led her to working in South Dakota initially for the Fish and Wildlife Service, and now Ducks Unlimited. Her favorite part of the job is finding practices that benefit both producers and wildlife. Conservation practices Ducks Unlimited can assist with include: wetlandland and grassland restorations/enhancements, grazing infrastructure, conservation easements, soil health improvements (ie: cover crops), and other projects
Contact Kenna


More information about DU conservation efforts in South Dakota

Learn about the importance of conservation in the Prairie Pothole Region and how farmers and ranchers are helping.

Learn about how DU staff in South Dakota can help landowners improve operations and contribute to waterfowl conservation.