Tiny Alaska Town Hosts Successful DU Event
Cold Bay is home to a group of dedicated Ducks Unlimited volunteers who are passionate about raising money for conservation
Cold Bay is home to a group of dedicated Ducks Unlimited volunteers who are passionate about raising money for conservation
Located on the tip of the Alaska Peninsula, Cold Bay is home to a group of dedicated Ducks Unlimited volunteers who are passionate about raising money for conservation. The small town is best known for its proximity to Izembek National Wildlife Refuge and Izembek Lagoon, which stage hundreds of thousands of Pacific black brant and other waterfowl each fall.
This past October, the Cold Bay DU chapter hosted its annual banquet and received tremendous support from surrounding areas. We had attendees flying and boating into Cold Bay to attend the event, says Area Chair Lillian Sager.
Cold Bay has a total population of just 70 people, yet the chapter had more than 90 attendees at the event and raised over $21,000. More than 50 attendees committed to becoming Ducks Unlimited sponsors, which is really impressive, says DU Regional Director David Weber. The volunteers of Cold Bay, especially Lillian and Bill Sager, have DUs best interests in mind, and the committee always goes above and beyond, especially when dealing with merchandise delays because of flights and cooking the food for the event in their own kitchens. To say they are committed to making a difference for conservation is an understatement. I am proud to be able to work with this group of volunteers.
To learn more about DU events in your area, visit ducks.org/events.
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