Wyoming is part of both the Central and Pacific flyways and provides important habitat for breeding and particularly for migrating waterfowl. Wyoming also sits at the convergence of two of Ducks Unlimited's national conservation initiatives—geographic sub-divisions of the country that deliver conservation programs specific to the type of waterfowl use in that area.
The Heartland Heritage and Habitat Initiative includes the North Platte River drainage in southeastern Wyoming as part of DU's Level II priority Southern Great Plains and focuses on major staging areas for waterfowl during both spring and fall migrations. Dynamic and highly productive seasonal wetlands, braided prairie rivers and backwater sloughs are priority habitats that provide high-energy food resources for millions of migrating ducks and geese. The Initiative also works to maintain and improve the thousands of small wetlands sprinkled among the state's grasslands that provide quality habitat for breeding waterfowl.
The  Peaks to Prairies Initiative covers roughly the western half of Wyoming as a portion of the Level III priority Northern and Southern Rockies and supports the continental life cycle of waterfowl, connecting the beautiful wetlands and grasslands of the Rockies to the nesting grounds in the Level I priority Prairie pothole Region (PPR) where healthy migrations begin. The PPR is the primary source of nearly 70 percent of the continent's waterfowl.

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Since 1989, DU has worked with partners to conserve more than 27,000 acres of waterfowl habitat throughout Wyoming. Your support of DU will help expand upon these past successes and enhance the state’s important role in continental waterfowl population growth.

More Information:

Ducks Unlimited's National Initiative Map

Ducks Unlimited's Conservation Priority Areas

Wyoming Wetlands (Wyoming Game and Fish Department)