The greatest gifts that Ducks Unlimited supporters can leave for the next generation are healthy waterfowl populations and a conservation legacy. Join us in our mission to create wetlands sufficient to fill the skies today, tomorrow, and forever by enrolling Legacy Greenwing today.
With a one-time contribution of $200 or more, you can become a Legacy Greenwing of Ducks Unlimited.
Click here to become a Legacy Greenwing or call 1.800.45.DUCKS. A DU membership services representative will be happy to assist you.
Legacy Greenwing Benefits
A Legacy Greenwing membership is $200 (birth to 21 years). Recipients are eligible for:
- A DU membership card
- A Legacy Greenwing lapel pin
- Greenwing decals (age 11 and younger) or two unique DU decals (one duck head and one DU Varsity; age 12-17)
- Receive four issues of the Puddler magazine (ages 11 and younger) or receive six issues of Ducks Unlimited magazine with a special DU Varsity section in each issue (ages 12-17)
- Upon turning 18, you will be considered an adult member and will continue to receive the DU Magazine until age 21